Lawn and Landscape

What Does Mulch Do For My Landscape?

Now I would imagine that all of us know what mulch is.  Sure it’s woodchips for the most part.  The real question becomes do we know what the true benefits of mulch can be and what it can add to our landscape aesthetically.   Mulch has several purposes that many of us may not realize. One [...]

By |2015-10-02T01:05:22+00:00March 18th, 2012|All HOA Topics, Lawn and Landscape|Comments Off on What Does Mulch Do For My Landscape?

Can Pine Straw Be A Hidden Hazard In Your Landscape?

RALEIGH — After the second fire in three years that spread wildly through pine straw and destroyed multiple homes, city officials are trying to limit use of the popular landscaping cover next to certain buildings. At the request of Mayor Charles Meeker, Raleigh’s fire department will submit a report to City Manager Russell Allen next [...]

By |2012-03-18T19:46:51+00:00March 18th, 2012|All HOA Topics, Lawn and Landscape|0 Comments
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